As a parent, you want the best care for your child when they're sick or hurt. While urgent care centers are convenient for after-hours needs, there are several reasons why visiting your pediatrician is the better option.
1. Your Pediatrician Knows Your Child
Your pediatrician is familiar with your child’s health history, including past illnesses, allergies, and any ongoing conditions like asthma. This helps them provide personalized care that’s just right for your child, while urgent care centers don’t have access to this vital information.

2. Fewer Exposures to Illness
Urgent care centers are often busy with a mix of patients, which can increase the risk of exposure to additional germs. Pediatricians’ offices tend to be more child-friendly and have fewer sick patients, reducing the chance of exposure to new illnesses. At Preferred Pediatrics, we try to minimize the number of kids in our waiting room with fevers and respiratory viral symptoms to decrease your child’s exposure.
3. Lower Co-Pays
Seeing your pediatrician often costs less than going to urgent care. Pediatrician visits usually come with a lower co-pay, which can add up to significant savings over time—especially if your child needs follow-up care or regular visits.
4. Preferred Pediatrics Offers Same-Day Appointments & Less Wait Time
We understand that your child’s health can’t always wait. That’s why our office offers same-day appointments with shorter wait times, making it easier to get the care you need when you need it. Urgent care centers can be busy, which sometimes leads to long waits and added stress.
For regular, personalized care, your pediatrician is the best choice. They know your child, provide preventive care, and often come with lower costs. If your child needs urgent care, it’s still important to have your pediatrician’s guidance whenever possible. We’re here for you and your child’s health—don’t hesitate to reach out!
Stay Healthy KC,